Heather Rouke
Software Developer
Projects Github LinkedIn Resume About Me
Downtime Dollarsmore_vert Live site

Downtime Dollars is a website to market a mobile marketing technology that rewards users for taking surveys.


Front-end: HTML, PHP, Bootstrap, Javascript

Deployed on inMotion

MuscleMemorymore_vert Live site

Muscle Memory is a full stack web and mobile responsive app designed to enhance the user’s fitness journey by providing specific workouts and allowing the user to log and track their fitness journey.


Front-end: React, ReCharts, Axios

Back-end: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose

Deployed on Heroku

Tropic Tails Farmmore_vert Live site

Tropic Tails Farm is a client project for dog boarding. Users can review business information and book through the site.


Front-end: React, Materialize CSS, emailJS, AWS S3

Deployed on AWS Amplify

MoodWavemore_vert Live site

MoodWave is a fullstack web application that allows the user to document their moods, match them with tunes, and immerse yourself in self-reflection through mood journaling and music, jamming along with how you're feeling.


Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Back-end: Django, Python, AWS, Postgresql

Deployed on Heroku

New York Trailsmore_vert Live site

The NY Trails app allows a user to login and browse hiking trails and join the Fire Tower challange. This is a fullstack application utilizing CRUD operations.


Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Back-end: Express, Node, MongoDB, Google oAuth, Google Maps API, OpenWeather API

Deployed on Fly.io

Pickledmore_vert Live site

Pickled is a pickling recipe app to view and add your own pickling recipes.


React, Materialize CSS, Emailjs

Deployed on Netlify

Random Advice Generatormore_vert Live site

Advice Generator uses an API to generate random advice for the user.


React, Bootstrap CSS, adviceslip API

Deployed on Netlify

Memory Gamemore_vert Live site

Memory Cards is a game in which you match 2 cards of the same image. Try to beat your time by playing again.


Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Deployed on Surge

FAQmore_vert Live site

A simple interactive FAQ accordian.


Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Deployed on Netlify

Tic-Tac-Toemore_vert Live site

Tic-Tac-Toe is a 2 player game to get 3 of the same in a row or column.


Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript

Deployed on Surge

Hi and welcome to my Portfolio.
I’m Heather, a software developer based out of New York City. I would consider myself a jack-of-all-trades, master of none when it comes to technology. I have built and worked on full-stack projects but lean more towards frontend development.
I have worked in technology for 12 years, 6 years in tech startups from series A to unicorn status and 5 years in leadership roles. I spent those years on the business side building and leading client-facing teams to achieve retention goals. After many years of working closely with end-users, the product, and engineer team, I decided to dive deeper into the ‘tech’ side of tech companies. I switched gears and took a 400-hour software engineering immersive program (aka bootcamp) to fast-track my knowledge and now build the software I used to sell!
I enjoy learning about and experimenting with new technology and have experience with different languages and frameworks, both front-end and back-end. I like to focus on front-end and especially like using frameworks like React and libraries like Bootstrap to help streamline the build and design process for a polished product.
In my free time, I enjoy exploring all that NYC has to offer—amazing restaurants, live shows, and cool neighborhood hangouts. I go to upstate New York over summers to hike, and my husband and I run a dog-sitting business.