Downtime Dollars is a website to market a mobile marketing technology that rewards users for taking surveys.
Front-end: HTML, PHP, Bootstrap, Javascript
Deployed on inMotion

Muscle Memory is a full stack web and mobile responsive app designed to enhance the user’s fitness journey by providing specific workouts and allowing the user to log and track their fitness journey.
Front-end: React, ReCharts, Axios
Back-end: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose
Deployed on Heroku

Tropic Tails Farm is a client project for dog boarding. Users can review business information and book through the site.
Front-end: React, Materialize CSS, emailJS, AWS S3
Deployed on AWS Amplify

MoodWave is a fullstack web application that allows the user to document their moods, match them with tunes, and immerse yourself in self-reflection through mood journaling and music, jamming along with how you're feeling.
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Back-end: Django, Python, AWS, Postgresql
Deployed on Heroku

The NY Trails app allows a user to login and browse hiking trails and join the Fire Tower challange. This is a fullstack application utilizing CRUD operations.
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Back-end: Express, Node, MongoDB, Google oAuth, Google Maps API, OpenWeather API
Deployed on Fly.io

Pickled is a pickling recipe app to view and add your own pickling recipes.
React, Materialize CSS, Emailjs
Deployed on Netlify

Advice Generator uses an API to generate random advice for the user.
React, Bootstrap CSS, adviceslip API
Deployed on Netlify

Memory Cards is a game in which you match 2 cards of the same image. Try to beat your time by playing again.
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Deployed on Surge

A simple interactive FAQ accordian.
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Deployed on Netlify

Tic-Tac-Toe is a 2 player game to get 3 of the same in a row or column.
Front-end: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Deployed on Surge